Friday, March 5, 2010

Sounds Like a Nightmare!

I found an interesting story on the Member Testimonials site...

"As you know, before I received my information from Kroll, (a credit card company)* sent new credit cards for an account I had requested be closed, to my old address. (The credit card company)* called me December 29th to ask if I had been using the card because someone had been having a very good time with it at Wal-Mart. Someone had also been writing checks on the account, I later found out. But... on to my Kroll story.

"I called PPL's Customer Care and was given a number for Kroll. I called and spoke to [consultant].* He was Super! We didn't open a file on my case because the person using my card had already been arrested. He was very surprised that someone was already in custody. He advised me of my responsibility to (the credit card company) - which is none. He gave me a number to call and place a fraud alert with each credit repository. And he told me if I had any trouble with (the credit card company)* to let him know and he would take care of it.

"Later I did receive a threatening letter from (the credit card company)* stating if I didn't complete and return the forms they had enclosed that they would reverse the charges. Well... I knew my rights thanks to Kroll and Pre-Paid Legal so I threatened them right back- with legal action. You know what... this account that had almost $4,000 in fraudulent charges- now has a zero balance.

"Thank you Kroll and Pre-Paid Legal."

A. Wood, OK

*Company policy type changes

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Jury Duty Phone Scam

This scam has been around for a while but it is the first I've heard of it so I figured that it will be new for most people and it's not going to go away as long as it works.

This is from the FBI report:

The phone rings, you pick it up, and the caller identifies himself as an officer of the court. He says you failed to report for jury duty and that a warrant is out for your arrest. You say you never received a notice. To clear it up, the caller says he'll need some information for "verification purposes"-your birth date, social security number, maybe even a credit card number.

This is when you should hang up the phone. It's a scam.

You can find similar information on Snopes but I prefer reading this from the FBI site. They are closer to the source.

The FBI says that the "Jury Duty Scam" is just a variation on any phishing scam. The trick is to get you scared and then give you a way out that gives them what they need to clean you out.

You should almost never give your SSN over the phone. That's just asking for it. If you are asked for a SSN and you aren't sure enough to hang up the phone, give them a fake SSN. If they are a scammer, they will accept this and write it down. If you need to give it for a legit business (dealing with a bank or escrow company, for example), they will verify your information immediately and tell you that the SSN does not match.

If you think that you have been scammed or what to protect yourselves in case you might be scammed, try Identity Theft Shield.